Healing Manor weddings provided the best back drop for this gorgeous Christmas wedding. What better day to share than on Valentine’s Day? I simply couldn’t wait another 10 months! Let’s face it, crimson red roses and floaty white feathers, silks and lace aren’t too far of a stretch..?! To be honest, I just desperately wanted to share this festive funky wedding and have been looking for an excuse. Check out those centrepieces! And reindeer, and fire dancers… just keep reading and scrolling and all will become clear.

Healing Manor weddings

Lewis and Katie are no strangers to this blog, as their couple shoot, at an abandoned church in North East Lincolnshire, featured last year. See their engagement photoshoot here.  Before the wedding we discussed what sorts of things were going to be happening on the day and it blew me away.

This stunningly quirky wedding was held just before the New Year and so got me out of the post Christmas slump quickly. My job always throws amazing things my way, but two reindeers greeting the newlyweds is a first. These two playful guys had a whale of a time, headbutting the groom (jealous perhaps? Katie was beautiful!) and taking a little bathroom break mid shoot. These little divas are the Beyonce of the reindeer world. They were looked after as if they were royalty by http://www.riggmoorreindeer.co.uk/

Festivities continued to greet the guests, with a snow storm as they arrived at Healing Manor for the reception. As they made their way into the toasty warm barn, the taxidermy mixed with fairy lights, and skulls with pine cones and candy canes, as the table decorations and centrepieces was yet another wow. Bottles with melted candles adorned the top table, surrounded by calavera Mexican celebration skull dolls, and whilst it seemed that these things would never work together, everything pieced together as if it were a styled shoot.

Lincolnshire wedding photography

Did it all end here? Nope! Bring on the circus performance and fire dancer. Whipping those flames around, creating such a spectacle of fire and light on one darkest winter days in the calendar was a thrilling entertainment ride. What a wedding!

Lewis and Katie are a wonderful couple and love the alternative. The best weddings I photograph aren’t those with biggest price tag, or the most or least people. It’s those where the couple clearly love each other and have created a day which is ‘them’ from start to end. This romantic story screamed Lewis and Katie from the rooftops and, I’m sure you can agree, is perfection.